© Joke Van haver

© Joke Van haver 

© Joke Van haver 

© Joke Van haver 

Patricia PE Janssen

singing teacher - singer - choral director

vocal habilitation professional - breathing therapy - singing for health

piano and music theory - author - composer

Learn how to sing


individual singing lessons

1hr or 30 mins to schedule when it suits you

20m annual subscription (30 lessons)

3 possible starting times

workshop "Singing is fun"

tailor made - eg for a team building

Voice, breath and health

Singing for breathing

post-Covid (series)

Sing to beat Parkinson's

with Flemish Parkinsonliga

Vocal Habilitation Professional

first aid for minor vocal issues

support when you need to speak/sing a lot

breath and voice work

Workshops Looking after your voice

Sound work

to help find your own voice

Singer - choral director


artistic director, singer and harpist

medieval repertoire 



Sin Serio

artistic director

Female Desire vocal ensemble

ad hoc projects

Piano -  music theory


individual piano lessons

30m or 1 hr to schedule when it suits you

20m annual subscription (30 lessons)

3 possible starting times

modules music theory

series per theme

individual lessons possible